China most fears that Japan, the United States, and Europe will cut off their supply chains.

The following is from ‘World Reading’ by Hiroshi Yuasa, a visiting editor in the Sankei Shimbun, published in 2020/5/1’s Sankei Shimbun, titled ‘World division after the pandemic.’
This paper proves that he is one of the honest reporters.
Except for headlines, emphasis in text and notes starting with * are me.
I omit the previous sentence because it duplicates the contents that I sent before.
Rewrite history and evaluation
China, which has failed in the cover-up, is digging a grave instead, trying to force back the lost authority. ‥
Without worrying about their reputation or appearance, there is no reason not to ask Wisconsin for other states.
In the Midwest, Missouri, on the other hand, has filed a claim with the federal district court that China lied to the world and could not stop the infection.
It seems that propaganda maneuvering, which targets the rural areas of the United States, has received a tit for tat. ‥
This column (World Reading Comprehension) is also related to what I pointed out last April 3; it witnessed that the Chinese side rewrites the previous description and looks nonchalant.
In the previous column, I argued that the state-owned news agency Xinhua might have used the popular name ‘Wuhan Virus’ that the Chinese leadership disliked on its English site on January 22.
Initially, Beijing communicated with authorization, but later US Secretary of State Pompeo mentioned that I wrote that it was bizarre for them to blood rushes to their head as racism. ‘
Racism used by China toward the United States is a cliché that awakens the atonement of the other party and imposes a bond when silencing inconvenient criticism.
For Japan, in the same way as deciding ‘revival of militarism,’ political speculation is hidden behind the words.

  • Why did the Asahi Shimbun, etc., and politicians of the opposition party use the word ‘revival of militarism’ to attack the government every time? Readers will entirely get the point with this article *
    However, it would not be suitable if they called themselves the Wuhan virus.
    Therefore, it deleted the headline of the ‘Wuhan virus’ of the Wuhan virus from the Xinhua site on April 3.
    It is as soon as I pointed out in this column.
    Indeed, I was very convinced that China would change history in this way.
    The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
    Irreversible decoupling
    The Communist Party of China tends to be counterproductive, relying too much on selfish propaganda.
    ‘ordinary country’ shows the especially regrettable mind that had made a virus diffused in the world first.
    Next, it provides the data with a detailed virus-associated for international society and wins sympathy and respect.
    Of course, a change of government is after preparing itself.
    There is the sadness of totalitarianism, and above all, the system protection is prioritized, and ‘concealment maneuvering’ and ‘external propaganda’ are run.
    When China failed to cover up, it argued with threats and jumped into the conspiracy theory of the US military’s spread of viruses.
    Then, mobilize embassies and consulates scattered around the world to develop a campaign to exaggerate the superiority of the dictatorship and governance system.
    The ‘monarchy’ political thinker Machiavelli, who witnessed the plague epidemic in 16th-century Florence, left behind a statement that the epidemic outbreak was a direct result of false control.’
    This time of infection explosion is becoming a more substantial flow to destroy the international supply chain (supply network) from the blunders of the Xi Jinping regime. ‥
    A prominent political scientist at Peking University, Professor Wang Jinshi, has even said that US-China relations have reached their worst levels and that US-China decoupling of economics and technology is “already irreversible.”
    The US, which relies on China for most of its pharmaceutical ingredients, will enact bills that encourage domestic drug production by the unanimous Republican and Democratic parties. ‥
    Prepare to accept high costs.
    Europe, which viewed China as a vast market, was sent a poor medical device while spreading the virus to the world.
    It experienced unprecedented humiliation in ‘attitude which is apologizing for and that demand gratitude does.’
    It was swirling anger in Europe because it realized that a Chinese company had taken over the acquisition of advanced technology such as a semiconductor, while Europe was having trouble with the pandemic.
    French President Macron nominated items to switch from dependence on China to domestic production in France.
    British ministers introduced the fifth-generation (5G) mobile communication network of Huawei, a major Chinese communication equipment company. There was a voice to reconsider. ‥
    Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is further going into it; Xi Jinping chairman’s March 5 days visit to Japan postponed the decision and has embarked on restructuring the supply chain in the emergency economic measures.
    At the ‘Future Investment Conference’ chaired by the Prime Minister, those who added high value to their production bases will return to Japan, and those that do not will move their factories to Southeast Asia, etc.
  • Why isn’t NHK reporting that Prime Minister Abe decided the correct permanent national policy for this catastrophe? The answer is in the line below *
    Beijing is shocked to see the bright ‘away from China’ between Japan, the US, and Europe.
    Even before the outbreak of the Wuhan virus, China faced a huge debt and was forced to run into a difficult economic situation.
    China most fears that Japan, the United States, and Europe will cut off their supply chains. ‥
    Some think tanks in the United States have even warned that China will make pharmaceuticals with pollutants and ‘weaponize pharmaceuticals.’
    However, to make many Western products, consumers need to be prepared to accept the high cost. ‥
    Should you choose cheap but doubtful about safety Made in China or expensive but safe domestic production?

