It is now well-known that China has ambitions to dominate the world in nuclear power and super high-speed railroads as well!

It is now well-known that China has ambitions to dominate the world in nuclear power and super high-speed railroads as well!
Since when has China’s scheming taken in the global warming conference?
The current cop21 is entirely in line with China’s scheme.
It is no exaggeration to say that I am the first and only person in the world to realize this indisputable fact.
It is also my first-hand knowledge.
My house overlooks the center of Osaka.
One long time ago, I noticed the air was unusually dull.
I searched the Internet, thinking that this must result from an attack of pm2.5 from China.
I was right.
The air pollution in China was no longer at the level of human habitation.
It is a one-party communist dictatorship, which is why it continues today.
In a country of 1.4 billion people, of which 900 million are enslaved people in the name of “rural household registration,” a single person’s life is as good as a piece of paper.
The one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party of China considers “human life” and “international agreements” to be as good as paper trash, except for fulfilling their ambitions.

The Obama administration is the one that has made China grow impudent.
When China began its rampage, Obama invited rock stars to the White House for a concert.
He was pretending to be the world’s greatest celebrity.
Having won over the Obama administration, China began its illegal occupation of the South China Sea.
In response, the Philippines appealed to the International Court of Justice and won the case outright.
At that time, what did the one-party dictators of the Chinese Communist Party say?
They said, “That thing is nothing but a piece of paper.
It is what they meant.

I searched for when the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) started to follow China’s scheme.
It was in 1997, at COP3 in Kyoto, Japan.
It was at this time that the Kyoto Protocol was adopted.
The following is from an online explanation.
The Kyoto Protocol requires all participating industrialized countries to
“reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 5% between 2008 and 2012, compared to 1990 levels.”
In addition, the protocol also sets national greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.
Under this arrangement, the EU committed to an 8% reduction, the United States to 7%, and Japan to 6%.
Although the U.S. later withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol regime (making it clear that it would not ratify the protocol) and thus reneged on this commitment, this reduction target was the first agreement of its kind in the world. It represented a significant step forward in the international community’s cooperation to address global warming.
*It is no exaggeration to say that this text symbolizes pseudo-moralism*.
On the other hand, the Kyoto Protocol does not require developing countries to reduce their emissions.
It is because, based on the agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that “developed countries that have historically been responsible for emissions should be the first to take reduction measures,” the Kyoto Protocol reflects the idea that for the first commitment under the Kyoto Protocol, developed countries that have caused global warming so far should first take the initiative. 
*This is precisely the Chinese scheme itself.*
But 1997 was not yet the nightmare era of the Democratic Party of Japan.
So I searched and found that it was the period of the second administration of Ryutaro Hashimoto.
As readers know, it is a well-known fact that Ryutaro Hashimoto is a perfect example of a typical Chinese honey trap.
It is easier than twisting a baby’s hand to entrap a developed country, a country of unfathomable evil and deceptive lies, a country made up of propaganda infested with pseudo-moralism and political correctness.
Japan was ruled by the worst newspaper company in the world at this time, which was nothing more than a traitor.
The Asahi Shimbun, a company below Rogue, ruled Japan.
It was the heyday of the Asahi Shimbun.
The GHG emissions trading is a sham that even a grade schooler can understand.
But the industrialized countries, infested with pseudo-moralism and political correctness, accepted it without question.
For more than 20 years since 1997, China, for example, has been emitting air pollution unparalleled in the history of humankind, while at the same time, for example, it has been receiving trillions of yen from Japan under the guise of emission rights trading.

