The 21st century is a battle between a totalitarian state represented by China, a communist one-party dictatorship and the worst surveillance society in history, and a democratic state, and Japan, as the leader of democratic states along with the United States, cannot lose this battle.
The following is from Nobuhiko Sakai’s regular column in yesterday’s Sankei Shimbun.
He represents the thoughts of all honest Japanese citizens.
I will preface this paper with the chapter I sent out on July 12.
I had already mentioned that I stopped subscribing to the Asahi Shimbun, Weekly Asahi, and Aera, which I had subscribed to for many years, after Tadakazu Kimura’s press conference in 2014 when the reality of the Asahi Shimbun became clear.
Since then, I have not read the Asahi Shimbun at all, if I may say so.
The following is from an article by Nobuhiko Sakai, a former professor at the University of Tokyo, entitled “Asahi Shimbun irritated by Tokyo Olympics,” which appears in a unique feature in the current issue of the monthly magazine Sound Argument.
Nobuhiko Sakai has nothing to do with the masochistic view of history or leftist pedophilia.
However, most people on Asahi and NHK with the professor at the University of Tokyo have a masochistic view of history and are probably leftist pedophiles.
The fact that people like Nobuhiko Sakai are so rare proves this. It’s disgusting.
Every sane Japanese citizen who reads the following article should think so.
In 2014, the failure of the Japanese people to not only shut down the Asahi Shimbun and force them to sell all of their assets and compensate the Japanese nation and people for the astronomical damage they have caused was a disaster for Japan and the Japanese people.
We have allowed the Asahi Shimbun to continue to publish such vicious and terrible editorials about the Tokyo Olympics.
The CDP and the Communist Party, which are sympathetic to and use the Asahi Shimbun, are out of the question. Still, the populist politicians in the ruling party are incapable of overcoming even this viciousness.
A genuine politician can crush such vile viciousness with a single word. The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the Communist Party of Japan, which sympathize with and use the Asahi Shimbun, are out of the question. Still, the politicians in the ruling party who have fallen prey to populism are incapable of overcoming even such vile vices.
A genuine politician can crush such vile viciousness with a single word.
On August 14, I wrote a chapter on how to crush them with a single word.
It’s about his decision to hold the event without an audience, pandering to foolish mass media reports, just before the event, when he had decided that the upper limit would be 10,000 people (or less than 50% of the capacity in smaller venues).
They even ignored the simulation results by the world’s most powerful supercomputer, Fugaku, and pandered to the stupid mass media (ignoring even science).
His statement that the Tokyo metropolitan government was the organizer of the event seemed legitimate at first glance. Still, he couldn’t understand that this was what Yuriko Koike, a former politician with a foolish TV media background who even falsified her academic background to become a politician, wanted.
Why not?
Mr.Suga is Yamamoto Kansuke, not Takeda Shingen, much less Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, and Ieyasu.
I will write about what the three greats would have said in their place as the Nobunaga who lives today.
Outside the Asahi Shimbun, the Korean Peninsula, and China, it is common knowledge that Shinzo Abe, whom Mr. Suga supported, was a rare politician.
The Asahi Shimbun has been relentlessly attacking Prime Minister Abe, demonstrating its particular skill in demeaning Japan with numerous fabrications.
The same opposition politicians, such as the CDP and Mizuho Fukushima, who took advantage of the Asahi Shimbun’s false reports and continued to attack Prime Minister Abe, are the same as before.
Shinzo Abe, a genuine politician, continued to face the attacks of the opposition politicians in the Diet.
At a time, he was engaged in globe-trotting diplomacy to make up for Japan’s lost two decades.
In a fit of rage at the verbal assaults of the opposition politicians, he said,
“If what you are saying is true, I will resign from the Diet.”
What Yoshihide Suga should have said was, “The Olimpic will be held with a maximum of 10,000 spectators, no more than 50% of the capacity. If many infected people occur among the audience, I will take responsibility and step down from my position as Prime Minister. However, suppose any country takes advantage of the fact that I am risking my job by making this declaration to launch a viral terrorist attack. In that case, I will take severe measures against such countries, including severing diplomatic relations.”
“I would also like to add that when I step down as Prime Minister, I will be reorganizing my political career. Japan will not defend itself against China as it is now, which means that Japan and the Japanese people are in danger if things continue as they are now.
“The 21st century is a battle between a totalitarian state represented by China, a communist one-party dictatorship and the worst surveillance society in history, and a democratic state, and Japan, as the leader of democratic states along with the United States, cannot lose this battle. As a leading democracy and the U.S., Japan cannot lose this battle, but it will fail in its current state!
“I will also ask Nikai to quit. I will never allow someone like Yuriko Koike, who talks and conducts politics by watching a TV talk show, to become the prime minister of Japan. I will also thoroughly examine the issue of her fraudulent educational background.”
“We will rally politicians from both the ruling and opposition parties who will support us. And a new government that will ensure the defense of Japan and the safety of the Japanese people.”
The following is an article written by Nobuhiko Sakai yesterday.
The media, the “parties concerned” to the Olympics, must examine itself
The Tokyo Olympics came to an end on August 8. In its editorial of August 7, the day before the Olympics, the Asahi Shimbun called on the government, the Tokyo metropolitan government, and the organizing committee of the Olympics to verify the past events under the headline “Don’t leave problems unresolved, hurry up with verification.
But aren’t we forgetting something important?
As for the Olympic issue, the media is the only party concerned since it has been forcefully demanding that the Olympics be canceled.
The media themselves should conduct a thorough self-examination.
In any case, there were too many strange and unnatural things that happened in holding the Olympics.
A typical example is the ousting of former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, who was the head of the organizing committee, because of his “disparaging remarks about women.
Although it is a common practice of the media to grab the head of ministers and other officials by the scruff of the neck, if one thinks about it properly, it is easy to see that the disparaging remarks about women were exaggerated reports of a few isolated comments.
Was this part of a planned conspiracy to force the cancellation of the Olympics?
However, the main reason for demanding the cancellation was the danger to life from corona infection.
Jiro Akagawa’s letter to the Asahi Shimbun on June 6, praised by the Elementary Particles column, is a typical example.
In the end, despite all kinds of obstacles, the Olympics have successfully held thanks to the tearful efforts of all concerned.
The stain, the negative legacy of the Olympics, is that they were held without spectators.
It threw down a massive amount of money to the drain because the five-party talks succumbed to the opposition’s threats.
It must thoroughly investigate the situation during this period.
Even after the end, the opposition tries to spread the infection and hold the Olympics, but it is too aggressive.
There is a self-explanatory reason for the spread of the infection.
The reason is that the declaration of a state of emergency is no longer as effective as it used to be.
There are no enforceable laws and regulations in Japan like there are in other countries.
No matter how obedient the Japanese people are, it is natural to become less tense after such repetition.
In the first place, the media themselves have been so adamant in their opposition to enforceable regulations that they have not allowed them to be created.
The public no longer trusts the experts and the media.
The losers of the “Corona Defeat” are not the government but the experts and the media.
By the way, it will be interesting to see how the media, which made such a fuss over the “human rights issue” surrounding the Olympics, will respond to the Beijing Olympics to be held in China, the undisputed superpower of human rights violations.