In other words, the Asahi Shimbun is a newspaper company that stalks the Japanese nation and the Japanese people.

the Asahi Shimbun is a newspaper company that stalks the Japanese nation and the Japanese people
The following is from a regular column by Kunihiko Miyake in today’s Sankei Shimbun.
Divided into Four, the Seriousness of U.S. Society
I am writing this article in Washington, D.C., in the early morning of April 10, my first business trip to the U.S. in 17 months, and the first thing that surprised me was the high evaluation of the Tokyo Olympics.
In Japan, an influential newspaper editorial called for the cancellation of the Olympics, and they reported that the foreign media was also “giving it a bad review,” but this was not the case.
At least as far as Washington, D.C. is concerned, most of the comments were “good” and “well done for holding the Olympics,” and the same was true of many foreign media reports.
Here are some examples. 
Japan’s hosting of the Olympics was the right thing to do. Japan was proper to host the Olympics, bravely demonstrating the possibility of coexisting with a new virus. (Diplomat, an American journal of diplomacy)
The Tokyo Olympics are a relief to those struck down by corona (Financial Times) 
A victory for Tokyo 2020 is a victory for logistics (Fareed Zakaria, US journalist) 
Are you still calling for the cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics? Athletes cry over Japan’s hosting of the Olympics (Philippine media) 
At least Japan deserves our heartfelt gratitude for hosting the Olympics under such difficult circumstances (The Times, U.K.) 
Even the Washington Post (famous for its anti-Japan coverage) reported that “there was some criticism of the Tokyo Olympics, but things have at least partially improved since then.
At least there is no criticism of the Olympics spreading the new coronavirus infection.
“There was also an article in Japanese that said, “The worst ever from the foreign media,” but when I checked it out, I found that the source of the story was a column in a local Canadian newspaper.
What is it like for the Asahi Shimbun to write “criticism” by overseas media?
The vileness and despicability of the Asahi Shimbun and how they try to humiliate Japan to the utmost extent are not so different from that of South Korea, an anti-Japanese nation and a nation that stalks Japan.
In other words, the Asahi Shimbun is a newspaper company that stalks the Japanese nation and the Japanese people.
I omitted the rest of this article.

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