On top of that, there is a big fraudulent business set up by China.

A friend of mine, an accomplished reader, urged me to subscribe to this book because a chapter in it proves my theory to be 100% correct.
It is the following book, a dialogue between Masahiro Miyazaki and Shi Ping, the best Chinese watchers in the world.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people all over the world.
Every citizen who can read the book must subscribe to it at the nearest bookstore.
I will tell the world, especially the West, as much as I can.
Chapter 4: The “China the only winner’s decarbonization” trap, scarier than Corona
Preamble omitted
China’s Big Fraud Business, the Electric Vehicle (EV) Trap
Shi Ping 
What do you think will happen to the relationship between the U.S. and China in the next four years or so, regardless of whether or not Biden, as president, can fulfill his responsibilities properly?
From our hope, the United States should firmly become a hardliner against China in every aspect.
The current state of affairs is one of contradiction: pro-China in economics and anti-China in politics (cold politics, hot economics).
Europe is still at that level, and in Japan, 90% of the business world is turning its face toward China.
Even though the Japanese government provides subsidies to companies that have withdrawn from China, there are still about 80 companies.
Rather than withdrawing from China, on the contrary, the number of companies entering China is increasing.
Fanuc is investing 26 billion yen to expand its robot factory, and Nidec is also aggressively changing its business in China.
Japan’s net investment in China is increasing. 
On top of that, there is a big fraudulent business set up by China.
That is scarier than Corona. Corona is a problem that will at least solve in less than a few years.
However, electric vehicles (EVs) threaten to wreak havoc on Japan and the rest of the free world for decades to come.
How did the West get caught up in this?
It is because of the fear of climate change-related to decarbonization.
The U.S. has also returned to the Paris Agreement, which Trump withdrew from, and Biden has said that the U.S. will be “carbon neutral” by 2050, which means that carbon dioxide emissions and absorption will be plus or minus zero, something that is impossible to achieve. 
In Japan, Prime Minister Suga has officially stated that the government aims to achieve a “carbon-neutral” decarbonized society by 2050 and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 46% by 2030 compared to fiscal 2013. You have made it clear that you will not build more thermal power plants to achieve this goal.
In addition, he will “practically” not operate nuclear power plants. So, there is no doubt that Japan will face power shortages in the future.
So what will Japan do? Everyone is silent on this big question. 
If everything goes to EVs, the amount of electricity needed to run them will double.
Almost no one, not even the experts, mentions this fact. It’s all pretty talk about improving the global environment.
GM, a prominent American automaker, has announced plans to replace all its models with EVs by 2030.
The same goes for Volkswagen. Everyone is “following right” and moving en masse toward the EVs that China has set up.
It’s like the story of a group of rats committing mass suicide by falling off a cliff into the ocean.
Every automaker in the world is about to fall off a cliff.
It would be foolish to get on such a “bus.” 
This article continues.

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