I think it is safe to assume that this is the result of Chinese influence or pressure.

The following is from the introduction to Ms. Sakurai’s “Red Japan,” which I saw in an ad at the bottom of the Sankei Shimbun the other day and bought at a nearby bookstore, thinking it was a must-read.
This book also proves that it is a national treasure defined by Saicho and a supreme national treasure.
It is a must-read not only for Japanese people but also for people all over the world.
Introduction: Japan, Not a Nation
“There are no regulations. 

On March 23, 2021, Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato, who represents the Japanese government and can announce the administration’s intentions, said in response to a question. 
“There is no provision in our country to impose sanctions solely or explicitly based on human rights issues.” 
In China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, more than one million Uyghurs are detained and forced to undergo Chinese education.
Making Muslim Uighurs Chinese means first quitting Islamic beliefs and prohibiting them from living like Uighurs.
Also, the Han Chinese who manage the camp rape young Uyghur women in groups, and Uyghurs who do not follow their instructions are subjected to severe torture.
There are many cases of disabilities and deaths due to torture.
Sterilization of Uyghur men and women is also rampant to reduce the Uyghur population.
These cases have been revealed by the testimonies of Uyghurs, who have courageously started to accuse with their names.
It is also widely known to the international community as it is supported by statistics such as the number of sterilization operations by the Chinese government.
The oppression of different ethnic groups by the Chinese government is not a new phenomenon.
The oppression and persecution of Tibet, Mongolia, and Uyghur have also reached Hong Kong, and China is preparing to extend its evil hand to Taiwan.
China’s history of oppression and persecution is unbroken, and China is undoubtedly the worst country in the world that continues to commit crimes against humanity.
The statement above by the Chief Cabinet Secretary was in response to whether our government would state condemnation against this filthy oppressor of human rights. 
IN THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION, the U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, recognized the Chinese Communist regime’s oppression of the Uyghurs as genocide on January 19, 2009.
He clearly stated that he would hold China strictly responsible for the Uyghur oppression as a crime against humanity with no statute of limitations.
The Biden administration inherited the same policy as the Trump administration.
On the same day as Pompeo’s statement, the new Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, was asked about the Uyghur oppression at the Senate hearing and answered clearly, “Like Pompeo, I agree that it is genocide by the Chinese government. 
Before the transition of power from Trump to Biden, Congress passed a bill to condemn and impose sanctions on China with unanimous support in the Senate and only one vote against the House of Representatives.
On March 30, 2009, the State Department published its “Human Rights Report 2020,” clearly asserting that the Chinese government is committing “genocide and crimes against humanity” against Uyghurs in Xinjiang. 
Similar criticism has occurred in Europe.
The European Union and the United Kingdom, along with the United States and Canada, have announced sanctions against Chinese officials.
The Netherlands, together with Canada, recognized the Chinese Communist Party’s oppression of the Uyghurs as genocide. 
Nevertheless, our country has not sent out any message.
When asked about it, our government can only say, “there is no regulation.”

“Not before Prime Minister Suga visits the U.S., please.” 
I want to go back in history about 100 years here.
After joining the victorious nations of World War I, Japan was a newcomer to the international community about 50 years after the opening of Japan to the world in the Meiji era.
At that time, Japan was one of the smaller Asian countries in the eyes of the Western powers, even though it was emerging remarkably.
When Asia was being overwhelmed by the power and dominance of the Western powers, Japan still proudly asserted itself at the Paris Peace Conference as the representative of Asia.
At that time, Japan, as a representative of Asia, proudly argued at the Paris Peace Conference that the League of Nations, which would be the basis of the world order after World War I, should include a clause on eliminating racial discrimination.
To secure its interests in China and the Shandong Peninsula, Japan at the time was undoubtedly involved in a series of human rights issues.
It wasn’t all pretty, but it was a very noble statement even with that out of the way.
We must not forget that Japan advocated eliminating racial discrimination as the basis of the international order for the first time in human history. 
Japan’s predecessors had a clear vision of the values that Japan should uphold.
At that time, Japan believed that a nation, and the international community as a collection of countries, should always move toward better values. 
It convinced our predecessors that advocating and practicing the values that form the essence of Japan’s character in the international community would lead to happiness and good results for the Japanese people and all people.
Although Japan’s proposal was buried by the absurd insistence of the United States, what is important is that Japan raised the issue of the elimination of racial discrimination to the world as a new universal value that humanity should aim for. 
What will our country be like 100 years from now?
The Japanese government says there are no regulations. However, it is not the missing regulations, but the way of thinking of the Japanese nation and Japanese people.
The oppression of different ethnic groups by the Chinese Communist Party is horrific. It is a crime against humanity that would never be tolerated in human society.
Nevertheless, why doesn’t our government express its natural criticism and rejection of the brutal acts of our neighboring country? 
What we can see through the interview is the reality that Komeito is dragging Japan’s feet by worrying about China.
There is a strong consensus among political parties, including LDP, that Japan should criticize China’s Uyghur oppression and genocide, evident to the world.
However, the main reason it has not come to fruition in a parliamentary resolution or a solid demand for the government is that the Komei Party is standing in the way. 
Mr. Keiji Furuya, the chairman of the Japan Uyghur Parliamentarians’ Association, told me. 
“There is an Uyghur parliamentary group and a Tibetan parliamentary group in the Diet, and it will launch a Southern Mongolia parliamentary group in April. We had hoped that the three parliamentary groups would unite and pass a parliamentary resolution condemning China before the Japan-U.S. summit on April 16. However, the Komei Party would not agree to this. As a result, We could not criticize China’s oppression of Uyghurs as the will of the Diet before Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga visits the U.S. 
I think a little explanation is needed here.
In principle, the resolutions of each parliamentary group must be unanimous. If all the political parties except the observer, the Communist Party, do not agree with the solution, it cannot be passed in the Diet.
It is a long tradition in the Diet.
“Even after much exchange of opinions, the Komei Party insists that a Diet resolution is impossible. The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) cannot ignore the will of the ruling coalition party, Komei Party,” said Mr. Furuya. 
Another member of the Diet, who was instrumental in getting the Diet resolution passed, spoke anonymously. 
“Looking at the mood of the Komeito lawmakers, I think they want to pass the resolution, too. But I think China is telling them that they can’t do it. Anyway, they want to stop it before Prime Minister Suga visits the U.S., that’s all. The initial strong language of the resolution condemning China has been gradually reduced to a flat expression that lacks any impact. Even so, the New Komeito says it is no good.”

A spokesman for the Chinese Communist Party? 
Natsuo Yamaguchi, the leader of the New Komeito Party, said at a press conference on March 30. 
“If Japan were to impose sanctions, it would have to have a basis for recognizing human rights violations based on evidence; otherwise, it could cause unnecessary diplomatic problems.”
He also pointed out that China is Japan’s largest trading partner and said, “Japan should take the lead in proactive dialogue to avoid and contain rising international tensions and clashes” (Sankei Shimbun, March 30). 
It is ridiculous. What does the Komei Party, which advocates “the party of peace and human rights,” say?
Many Uyghurs living in Japan have vivid testimonies of the Chinese government’s oppression as their own and their family’s actual experiences.
Uyghurs who have escaped or fled to other countries are also speaking out. The testimonies of these victims are the first proof of human rights violations by China.
The rape of Uyghur women, abnormally large sterilization, and the ban on Islam are also clear evidence of human rights oppression.
The Komei Party, which advocates “peace and human rights,” is selectively turning a blind eye to these grave facts. 
What is the Komei Party going to do by approaching China for dialogue?
China is a country that believes in deceiving other countries, other peoples, and other people.
The Chinese value system is wise to deceive with clever lies to achieve one’s goals.
Until now, the Komeito, Japan, and the world have all been deceived by China.
The world has begun to realize this, with the United States leading the way. In Japan, the people are the first to learn this.
Many of the politicians and political parties that represent the people have also realized this.
Is the New Komeito the only exception among them?
We have to ask them, “Does the Komei Party speak for the Chinese Communist Party?”
Are you seriously saying, “It could lead to diplomatic problems unnecessarily?”
Don’t worry. China has already caused diplomatic problems not by the Japanese Diet resolution but by its actions such as Uyghur oppression, Hong Kong oppression, and invasion of the Senkaku Islands.
Our friction does not cause diplomatic problems.
They are all caused by China. 
The New Komeito Party has said that they will not approve the Diet resolution before Suga visits the U.S. and will never do so, but instead will accept it after the US-Japan summit.
I think it is safe to assume that this is the result of Chinese influence or pressure. 
China wants to prevent, at all costs, Japan and the U.S. from joining forces in criticizing China at the Japan-U.S. summit, which will hold before any other meeting in the world.
It is trying to prevent China from being isolated globally, especially from being labeled as a country of genocide by the developed countries.
That is why the Diet resolution before Suga’s visit to the U.S. is an “absolute no-no.” 
I am writing this article before Suga visits the U.S.
On the 16th, Prime Minister Suga will hold a summit meeting with President Biden.
After the summit, we will see rapid development in the Diet and a Diet resolution condemning China.
Does this mean that the Komei Party, with the permission of the Chinese Communist Party, will finally join in the resolution condemning China?
By the time this book is published, the composition will have taken shape. 
The New Komeito also resisted a bill to curb the Chinese takeover of Japanese land and castrated the bill.
They were reluctant to criticize the Chinese government on the Uyghur issue even though they claimed to protect peace and human rights.
What an untrustworthy political party.
This kind of political party is a part of the ruling coalition.
It will be Japan’s misfortune if it is unable to face China properly as a result.
This article continues. 

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