To criticize the Bank of Japan and the government for not realizing the economic recovery, as usual, the people who control NHK’s news department let one part-time lady

On 2019-07-13, I re-transmitted a chapter that I sent out on 7/31/2018.
I’m re-sending it today with revised paragraphs, etc.

However, of all the people watching NHK’s watch9 right now, at least all sane adults must be watching it with a sense of revulsion.
Arima and Kuwako, who are the opposite of people who can talk about politics, diplomacy, finances, etc., and are involved in the management of Japan, criticize the BOJ’s policies as if the BOJ’s policies, which are trying to overcome Japan’s deflation of over 20 years, are wrong.
Arima, who looks like a member of a union committee, and Kuwako, who is helpless, criticize the Bank of Japan’s policies from the top, looking down on the Bank of Japan.
It is the first prolonged deflation in the history of the developed world.
It is the kind of super-long deflation that Western countries hate as if they were scorpions for falling into the same economic situation as Japan.
On the contrary, they criticize the Bank of Japan and the government, saying that they cannot feel the economic recovery.
To criticize the Bank of Japan and the government for not realizing the economic recovery, as usual, the people who control NHK’s news department let one part-time lady…who is a dual income earner…say what they want her to say.

It is the same as Arima did when he flew to the US when Trump was elected.
He set up a few dull workers in a cafe bar and let them say whatever he wanted them to say.

A friend of mine said that he had finally stopped watching watch9 because it was too stupid.
I only watch it slant by slant these days, but it’s still this bad.

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