“South Korea is a stalker nation against Japan” was the spark that immediately led to “The Asahi Shimbun is a stalker newspaper against Japan and the Japanese people.”

The following is a rough draft.
As I have mentioned many times, there are only two countries that continue to practice Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education, China and Korea (Korean Peninsula).
These two countries are also stalkers of Japan.
There is only one country in the world where, for some reason, about half of the people are sympathetic to the anti-Japanese propaganda of these two countries, especially South Korea, and have an anti-Japanese ideology.
It is Germany.
Psychologists and those who make a living as intellectuals need to find out why this is.
It is because that is the only thing that can save the world and make it right.
There was a small section in the newspaper around August 15 about the ministers visiting Yasukuni Shrine.
There was one thing in it that stunned me.
The South Koreans were not afraid to complain about the lack of historical remorse.
I was also instantly aware that the Asahi Shimbun, NHK, and other media outlets had allowed this kind of nonsense to grow in Korea.
It is a world that allows Korea, a country without a proper history, to say such things without hesitation.
The Korean peninsula, which has been a vassal state of China for most of its history, does not have any historical data left behind by Japan.
A person from such a country would, of course, say the most absurd things about Japan, the country that has cherished its history the most in the world.
It proves that Korea is a country of “abysmal evil” and “plausible lies.”
The Asahi Shimbun, which ruled Japan until August 2014, and its sympathizers, NHK and others, continued to follow this line of thinking.
They are the height of stupidity, and the way they have continued to humiliate Japan with their self-defeating historical view and anti-Japanese ideology is the height of vileness.

It is about the expression “stalker nation” that I wrote at the beginning of this article.
I have said it several times to people around me, and I have written about it several times in this column.
“Geniuses spark; mediocre ones don’t.”
It is no exaggeration to say that having a flash of inspiration is proof of genius.
The way geniuses structure their brains is what gives them flashes.
“South Korea is a stalker nation against Japan” was the spark that immediately led to “The Asahi Shimbun is a stalker newspaper against Japan and the Japanese people.”
In June 2011, the former flash of inspiration led to the creation of more than 40 identities on the Internet by blog companies and to criminal acts such as obstructing searches on my “Turntable of Civilization.
Even my lawyer, a former prosecutor who said he hated computers and hated even looking at the Internet, complained about this.
This criminal has confessed to the detectives that he did it all.
This criminal behavior continues to this day with unbelievable persistence.
This criminal has been to Ogoto, Gotanda, and the other day, Kitashinchi. In all of these places, he has been spoofing my pseudonym.
It is a country of “abysmal evil” and “plausible lies.”
Only two anti-Japanese countries in the world are trying to divide the public opinion of Japan and divide the nation.
It is an obvious fact.
North Korea has been using the Ainu with some success.
The idiot politicians have successfully fallen for their schemes and enacted a lousy law in 2019, the “New Ainu Law.”
NHK is Japan’s state-run broadcaster, with its pseudo-moralists and playing the innocent female staff who demean Japan with their self-defeating historical views.
Dentsu seems to be an organization that people on the left control.
It is an example of how it is easier than twisting a baby’s hand for a totalitarian state to ensnare politicians and media outlets that are infected with pseudo-moralism and political correctness and whose livelihood is propaganda.
The stupidity of the politicians, media such as Asahi and NHK, and the United Nations has reached its peak, not realizing that the proponents of the Ainu movement are also the followers of Juche of North Korea.
In the 21st century, the international community continues to neglect China and South Korea, two nazi cultivating nations that continue to practice Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education.
It alone proves the disreputability and stupidity of the United Nations.
It also proves the disreputability and stupidity of Germany, where about half of the people are anti-Japanese in sympathy with these countries.
Okinawa is another target of China and South Korea’s plot to divide Japan’s public opinion and nation.
Even the Japan Education Association and the Local Autonomy Workers Union, both of which have a self-defeating historical view and anti-Japanese ideology, send their members to Okinawa to fight against the base.
Ganaha Masako went to the United Nations to argue against these foolish and despicable people who use the United Nations as their main stage to argue for Okinawa’s indigenous people and independence.
It is truly a national treasure, as defined by Saicho, a supreme national treasure.
She is a lovely person who has inherited the soul of Japan, a country that has produced countless great people since the beginning of time.
After I sent out a link to Twitter, her Twitter appeared.
The statistical results of her followers and others who use YouTube are strange.
It is the work of China or South Korea, people from the land of “abysmal evil” and “plausible lies,” who use Okinawa as their main battleground.
Your twitter reminded me of something I haven’t seen in a long time.
I appeared in July 2010 as the “turntable of civilization,” and not long after, Twitter, which was being transmitted in conjunction with it, received a phenomenal response from all over the world every day.
The Arabic-speaking world, then the Spanish-speaking world, then the West Coast of the U.S. mainland, especially broadcasters, then East Coast anchors, and so on, we’re all on the verge of becoming 10,000 followers at once, when suddenly one day, the number of followers dropped by half.
I had my Twitter account hijacked.
It was the work of the criminals mentioned above.
Your statistics have been hijacked by these criminals, who are using various impersonation methods and criminal activities against your YouTube account.
I’m sure you can raise the money you need quickly by crowdfunding.
You should hire a cybercrime expert and a reputable law firm to identify the criminals and file a criminal complaint.
This article continues.

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