However, Europe has been making the world’s rules according to the plotting and scheming of the Chinese authorities.
The following is from the front page of today’s Nikkei newspaper.
I will write a rough draft.
The reality is that Europe is still a class society.
People make such a big fuss over a soccer victory because soccer is essentially a venting of the class society.
It is not an exaggeration to say that Europe is a world of make-believe.
If air pollution was the biggest problem for humanity, they had to criticize and correct China thoroughly.
If they had said that marine plastic waste was the problem, they could have criticized China thoroughly and corrected it.
However, they have only said a few words about China.
Merkel, for example, visited Japan only once, while she visited China more than eight times.
She said, “I felt there was no point in visiting a country where the government changes in a short period.”
It is another example of Germany’s cunning.
It is an obvious fact that the Asahi Shimbun changed the government in a short period.
For example, the reporters of the Süddeutsche Zeitung used Asahi Shimbun’s articles to write anti-Japanese articles continuously.
As a result, a poll conducted a few years ago showed that, guess what! They created a nation in which about half of the German people have an anti-Japanese ideology.
Financially, Japan and the U.S. gave birth to China, the worst one-party communist dictatorship in history and unbelievable surveillance society.
However, Europe has been making the world’s rules according to the plotting and scheming of the Chinese authorities.
Who is going to deal with a Europe that is so adept at wrapping its own greed for profit in a cloak of make-believe?
It would not be an exaggeration to say that there is nothing but “pretentious,” as the Kansai dialect puts it. In other words, it is Shinjiro Koizumi, a typical populist politician who has a problem with his essential thinking ability.
It would be like Ryunosuke Akutagawa to say that no one knows where Japan is going. Still, Europe and China know where Japan is going, which is a ridiculous scenario.
This article continues.