China is a country that will honey-trap the prime minister of any country it wants to take advantage of.

I sent out on 2021-08-13, entitled that the NHK international newscaster commented that China and the United States should be in line and a joint investigation into both international community countries is needed. 
I will add the caster’s career etc., to that chapter and re-distribute it.
As a result of accidentally leaving the program on, I watched NHKBS1’s “International News” for the first time in a long time and was stunned.
To my dismay, the male presenter was giving an unbelievable report on the origin of the Wuhan virus, giving China’s ridiculous claim.
He said that the cause was the conflict between China and the United States.
He put China and the U.S. on the same level regarding the virus’s origin and commented that the international community needs to investigate both countries jointly.
It was a genuinely astounding statement.
Before I saw this comment, I read the Introduction to “Red Japan” by Yoshiko Sakurai, which I purchased today.
It’s no exaggeration to say that this anchor and the Komeito that Ms. Sakurai points out are the same.
There is nothing more ridiculous than the fact that NHK, which is, in effect, Japan’s state-run broadcaster, is a broadcaster that speaks for China, just like the Japanese branch of China Television.
This anchor is Hideki Yui.
When I search, I find that, as expected, he was working for the Chinese General Administration.
Ryutaro Hashimoto was caught in a Chinese honey trap when he was prime minister.
China is a country that will honey-trap the prime minister of any country it wants to take advantage of.
The only people who would think that the media, especially the Asahi Shimbun and NHK, would not be trapped in any way would be people with brains no more than elementary school age or people who China has entangled.

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