The Chinese Communist Party does things with impunity that the Japanese cannot even imagine. If Japanese people look at or associate China with the same senses and values as their own, they will indeed be hurt.

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
*There is a heaven-and-earth gap between the reality of the Chinese Communist Party as first revealed by Mr. Shih-Ping and what NHK featured in its Chinese government-approved program the other night. In other words, Mr. Shi Ping is telling the truth, while NHK is complicit in “abysmal evil” and “plausible lies.”*
Mao Zedong Was a Bandit
The Chinese Communist Party does things with impunity that the Japanese cannot even imagine.
If Japanese people look at or associate China with the same senses and values as their own, they will indeed be hurt.
The Chinese Communist Party is a political party that has made “killing” a party’s basic policy. 
Is there any such political party in Japan? 
During the Nanchang Uprising, the uprising forces led by Zhou Enlai promulgated an official document called the “Uprising Resolution,” which declared the actions to be taken after the uprising. 
“We must kill all counter-revolutionary soldiers, and we must slaughter all reactionary officials. 
“We must kill all the landlords and feudal lords.
It is nothing more than a “declaration of murder.
After the Nanchang Uprising, some of the remnants of the Communist army that had been defeated by the Kuomintang troops, led by a Communist soldier named Zhu De, went to Mount Igangshan on the border between Jiangxi and Hunan provinces, where they joined Mao Zedong’s bandit troops who had set up a base there and continued their armed revolution. 
Mao and his bandits eventually descended from the mountain under the name of the “Red Army” to expand their influence in the surrounding rural areas. They carried out the “One Village, One Kill, One Burn, All Outer Additions Confiscated.”
In a single village, kill the landowner, burn down his house, and confiscate all his property.  
Instead of sharing the land with the farmers, they turned the villagers into soldiers.
Landowners, old families, and feudal families, who had stable property and had protected the region’s stability as desirable local families, were targeted by the Communist Party to be killed.
They thought that if they could target these people for revolution, it would be easier to mobilize the ordinary peasants.
They also thought that if they could take the property of the landlords and feudal lords, they could use it to finance the Communist army. 
In doing so, he turned his attention to the village ruffians. Many of them were dissatisfied with the landowners.
Thus, the social ostracism rogue and blackguard folks cooperated with the Communist Party.
Mao Zedong is also like a bandit, a “band of bandits and ruffians,” the very worst kind of group.
State finances are thievery and murder.
One night, Mao and other Communist troops are led by ruffians into a village. First, they surround the landowner’s house, break into the house, drag the entire family outside, and gather them in one place.
The Communists confiscate all the property, including torturing the landowner to make him vomit and burn down the house. Finally, they would have all the villagers gather together and kill the landowner in front of everyone. 
They also fixed the method of killing. It would make the landowner kneel, put a muzzle to the back of his head, and shoot him dead with one shot. Since ammunition was precious in those days, he took a sure-fire way to kill.
The family who lost the Lord was separated, and many women were targeted for sex by rogues.
After that, as Mr. Hyakuta mentioned earlier, instead of distributing the land to the villagers, they made the villagers into soldiers.
As the novelist Pearl Buck described in “The Land,” the small farmers worked and worked hard and gradually grew their land.
The land and property they had saved and built up through their ancestors were taken away overnight by the Communist Party. 
It is too tragic.
In this way, they raked in funds and soldiers to build up their power, and after the Communists came to power, they expanded it nationwide.
The so-called land reform movement, a “murderous movement,” killed three million landowners in just one year. 
It was a systematic mass murder.
For the first few years of the People’s Republic of China, the state finances were financed by this movement.
It built China on thievery and murder.
Eating and drinking without paying is his specialty.
Furthermore, after killing the landowner, the village was managed by a group of thugs collaborating with the Communist Party.
China was created by the bandits known as Mao Zedong and the racketeers who supported him.
*The other night, the people who control NHK’s news department didn’t know this, and they were reporting a prominent feature on the footage provided by the CPC. What should we call them? CPC stooges, traitors, that’s what we call them.*
If you look at the history of China, the people who ruled the country every time the dynasties changed in the Ekisei revolution (an ancient Chinese political concept), except for other ethnic groups such as the Meizhen and the Mongols, are all rogues.
For example, Liu Bang, who established the Han Dynasty, is a typical rogue.
His best skill is “eating and drinking without paying” (laughs). 
When Liu Bang came, everyone closed their stores.
Liu Bang’s friends were also racketeers, and the Han Dynasty was created when such people formed a large group and rioted, saying, “Okay, we’ve taken over the world.
Zhu Yuanzhang, who founded the Ming Dynasty, was also a helpless rascal.
The famous Yellow Turban Rebellion was a rebellion by ruffians, and Hong Xiuquan in the Taiping Rebellion was a bandit who was suppressed, so it was called a rebellion.
Hong Xiuquan rebelled because he was angry about failing the National Examination for Discipline.
Mao graduated from the Normal School, but he was still a brigand and a racketeer at heart.
After the racketeers had risen to power, the intellectuals came to their aid.
In Japan, it is often said that “Japanese newspapers are written by intellectuals and sold by yakuza.” Still, the opposite is true in China: “The country is ruled by yakuza and supported by intellectuals.”
This article continues.

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