From Mao’s point of view, since the civil war was over and he didn’t have a chance to make his son look more important, he thought, “This is a good chance. That was his reason for entering the war!

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Unraveling the “Mystery” of the Korean War
Returning to the Korean War, in the first place, Kim Il Sung, encouraged by Stalin, invaded the south, and Lee Syngman, who had been caught off guard, was quickly defeated.
The U.N. troops – actually the U.S. troops – landed in Incheon and drove Kim Il Sung back to the Sino-North Korean border.
Usually, this would have been the end of the Korean War, but the Chinese military came into play here for some reason. It is a mystery to me.
For one thing, Kim Il Sung pleaded with Mao Zedong to “help me!”
The Korean Peninsula has long had a habit of inviting foreign nations into its internal conflicts.
Even in the Battle of Baekgang, Baekje invited Japanese troops, and Silla invited the Tang Dynasty (China).
Even in the Korean War, Kim Il Sung got Stalin’s support, Syngman Rhee asked the United States for help, and Kim Il Sung, who defeated, begged, “China, help me!”
So why did Mao Zedong send out his army? 
The most plausible explanation is the presence of his son, Mao Anying.
Mao Zedong had an elder son, Mao Anying, and a younger son, Mao Anqing, mentally weak.
Yes, he was. Mao Anqing was mentally weak.
His sons grew up in the Soviet Union and returned to China after the People’s Republic of China was founded.
However, this is where a significant problem arises.
The Communist Party is a warlord regime, and the lack of a military background is a significant wound to a successor.
It is why Mao Zedong wanted to make him look more meaningful by having him serve in the Korean War.
At the time, China had only been in existence for a year and could not afford to fight a foreign war.
The Communist Party leadership, except for Mao Zedong, was very much opposed to going to Korea. They said, “This is no time for that.”
From Mao’s point of view, since the civil war was over and he didn’t have a chance to make his son look more important, he thought, “This is a good chance.
That was his reason for entering the war!
Mao Anying’s fried rice bombing
Mao Zedong appointed his most trusted general, Peng Dehuai, as the commander of the Korean campaign and entrusted Mao Anying to Peng Dehuai.
He never sent Mao Anying to the dangerous front lines but kept him in the command post as Peng Dehuai’s Russian interpreter.
After the war was over, Mao intended that he would be able to say, “My son was the one who gave orders at the headquarters, he was the one who fought against the Americans,” to show off his “satisfactory military record.”
You are right. However, that plan failed miserably.
At the time, the U.S. military had absolute control of the airspace over China, and they were constantly flying military aircraft over China for reconnaissance. 
One day, Mao Anying, who was in a daze and didn’t feel the tension of the battlefield, decided he wanted to eat something delicious and made fried rice.
Chinese people love egg-fried rice, and Mao Anying liked it too.
Pak Il-u, who had just been transferred from the Korean People’s Army, had given Peng Dehuai ten eggs, which he used. 
The American troops detected his whereabouts through the smoke emitted during the cooking process and bombed him to death.
It is known as “Mao Anying’s fried rice bombing” in China, and anti-Communist people still upload videos and images of making and eating egg fried rice on the Internet around the day of Mao Anying’s bombing.
I see.
So the purge of Peng Dehuai after the war had something to do with that incident.
That’s right. The reason was that Peng Dehuai did not protect Mao Anying. He was the most loyal general to Mao Zedong, but he spent the rest of his life in prison and met a tragic end. 
After all, millions of Chinese youths died in the Korean War.
Many young people were killed in a meaningless war that he started to give his son a foil.
Diplomatically, it only brought about a confrontation with the U.S. and did not benefit China at all.
Not only was it meaningless, but if China had not entered the war, the hypothesis that it would have wiped out communism from the Korean Peninsula is sufficient.
Then, there is a high possibility that the North Korean dictatorship of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, and Kim Jong Un, the missiles, and the abduction issue would not have existed.
There may have been no history of the division of the Korean Peninsula.
Without Mao Anying, history would undoubtedly have been different. 
It is China that has allowed the division of the Korean Peninsula to continue to this day.
Koreans should hate Mao Zedong more than they should hate Japan.
It is another historical if, but if Mao Anying had lived, China would have become the Mao Dynasty.
That is an interesting point. It is true that if Mao Anying had succeeded him, he would have first purged all the leaders of the same generation as Mao Zedong.
Deng Xiaoping and Zhou Enlai were all purged. He would have eliminated anyone who posed a threat to his position and promoted younger cadres of his generation.
And he will carry on the line of Mao Zedong.
There is no possibility that Deng Xiaoping’s reform and opening policy has not led to such economic development.
On the contrary, it may have been good for the world.
Keenly, the U.S. did something unnecessary.
This article continues.

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