The Xi Jinping regime has become the Nazi regime of the 21st Century, and Xi Jinping has become the Hitler of the 21st Century, committing crimes against humanity and humanitarian crimes. 

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Hitler in the 21st Century
It is said that Xi Jinping worships Mao Zedong, the man who committed the worst genocide in history, and is superimposing himself on Mao, saying, “I am the second Mao Zedong.”
And, in fact, he repeats genocide against Uighurs and Tibet.
Japan should have a sense of crisis that this kind of country is in the neighboring country. 
If we compare it to a house, the neighbors on the other side of the house come into the yard without permission. 
They throw out the garbage, shift the boundary line, and so on.
When I protested, “That’s my land,” they would shout back, “What does it matter?”
One day, he was sitting proudly on a garden stone.
When I protested, “That’s my garden stone, what are you doing? “
but he said and refused to leave. “Noisy! It is yours! It’s mine.”
Not only that, but they were also detaining and killing the neighbors. 
How would you feel if you had a neighbor like this?
I can’t move from there. It is the reality of Japan.
Traitorous Diet Members Working for China
The current Xi Jinping administration is committing ethnic genocide equivalent to the Nazi extermination of the Jews.
The Xi Jinping regime has become the Nazi regime of the 21st Century, and Xi Jinping has become the Hitler of the 21st Century, committing crimes against humanity and humanitarian crimes. 
Until the Beijing Olympics are held, Xi Jinping will behave quietly to avoid a backlash from the international community.
However, after the Beijing Olympics, he will take a hard-line stance.
I think it is very likely that 2022 will be a real crisis for Taiwan and the Senkaku Islands.
I totally agree with you.
If you look at the dark history of the Chinese Communist Party for the past 100 years, you can see what Xi Jinping will do in the future; he is going to repeat history.
If Japan does not have a real sense of urgency, the worst could happen.
Despite this, I am astonished that a member of the Japanese Diet sends a congratulatory message to the Chinese Communist Party on its 100th anniversary.
They are genuinely traitors.
It is no exaggeration to say that such people are complicit in the genocide being carried out by the Chinese Communist Party.
From the CCP’s point of view, they will justify their actions by receiving congratulatory telegrams from Japan even if they commit genocide.
The world will see Japan as complicit in the genocide.
This year, there will be an election, and we must make sure that the traitorous scum senators who work for China are eliminated at all costs.
We, the voters, are the ones who need to make a sound judgment.

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