The rest is intuition from here, transcending and working backward, with Hegel and Marx all bullshit.

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Weil’s tremendous intuition 
Simone Weil’s “Cahiers,” a posthumous journal, is, of course, full of theological exhortations.
For example, “There is no chastity without renunciation. Chastity, poverty, and obedience are each inseparable” (“Cahiers” 3, Misuzu Shobo, 1995, p. 41).
All we know is that it is an old Catholic abstinence, and she even tries something reckless, trying to interpret even mathematics with theology. 
But somehow, she is right about Hegel, Marx, and socialism.
“As far as the ‘negation of the negation’ in Hegel’s …… example is concerned, it is ridiculous bullshit” (Cahiers, 1-28, 1998). There is no commentary at all.
“Ancient Slavery-The same phenomenon is about to occur again. Russia” (1-107). Of course, it is the Soviet Union.
“I am lost in the labyrinth of antipodes. … Marxist dialectics are this kind of heavily corrupted and heavily distorted perspective.” (3189). She has no explanation here either.
Actually, this is the great thing about this person, and if she doesn’t understand the proletariat, she actually becomes a factory worker and tries to experiment with her body.
She said, therefore, “the complete subordination of workers to a company is based on the structure of the factory, not on the system of private property” (above, “Freedom …”, p. 16).
If the workers’ unhappiness continues even after becoming socialist, she is willing to write something Marxists dislike.
The rest is intuition from here, transcending and working backward, with Hegel and Marx all bullshit.
It is an amazing prophet, but she doesn’t realize it at all.
It is a characteristic of female prophets, but they are more direct, holistic, and unconscious than men. To put it bluntly, they are “womb-like. 
During the Nazi invasion of France in 1940, Weil was out shopping on June 13, but when she saw the leaflets declaring Paris defenseless posted everywhere, she fled Paris without going home.
This kind of foresight to abandon an entire house is difficult for a man. 
A man’s nature is partial, and if he has any regrets, he will return home and be caught by the Nazis and sent to the gas chamber. 
Finally, explain why Hegel’s “negation of negation” is bullshit and why the Marxist dialectic is corrupt.
According to the Iwanami Encyclopedia, Hegel’s novelty sees contradiction as “the source of all motion and animality” (p. 1462). It defines dialectics as how contradiction negates and transcends the limitations of enlightenment. It is the “negation of the negation.” Simply put, it is only when there is a contradiction that we can move.
I want to tell you an interesting story that I heard from Professor Nobukatsu Fujioka. 
When he was a child, a teacher at his sister’s school liked him, and he often visited her at home. It seems that this teacher was actually in love with her sister. 
He was a high school teacher and a communist, and he wrote a book in which he wrote: “There are contradictions, contradictions, contradictions. In his book, he wrote: “Contradictions, contradictions, contradictions are what makes things move. It is only when there are contradictions that development occurs.”
Fujioka wondered about this, so one day he asked his teacher. “You said that communism is an ideal society, didn’t you? If so, will there be no contradictions? 
The teacher replied, “Yes, it is an ideal society, so there will be no contradictions.”
Fujioka swallowed the following sentence (“Then, teacher, in a communist society, there will be no development.) He thought, “This teacher is a phony.” 
Usually, people standstill when there is a contradiction.
In his book “The Shore of Good and Evil,” Nietzsche said that only the Schwabians start walking the tightrope with joy.
Hegel was a Swabian (a Germanic tribe of Suebi).

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