The symbol of the effort to divide Japan, weaken Japan, and make Japan defenseless is the anti-base struggle, the attempt to separate Japan from the U.S. and strip Japan of its defenses.

The following is a chapter that I sent out on March 18, 2019.
I’m re-sending it with corrected punctuation, paragraphs, etc.

It is a story about the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare that came out of nowhere, but it has been going on since the time of the Democratic Party of Japan administration.
The MHLW issue came out of nowhere, but this story has been around since the DPJ administration.
It is a story going on since the days of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) administration. The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW), the lowest-ranking ministry in Kasumigaseki, is being called corrupt.
The department that caused this problem is not located in Kasumigaseki but Shinjuku Ward.
If this is an injustice or a criminal act, the employees involved should be accused and criminally prosecuted.
However, none of them have been punished.
Why is that?
They are non-career employees and members of the local labor union.
The All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union is one of the labor unions in Japan that far-left activists control.
In the first place, most of the universities to which college students who want to work for local governments belong have professors who are good-for-nothing and in reality are a betrayer of our country or a traitor.
They live comfortably on the Japanese taxpayer’s dime and are paid well.
They are severe patients of “Left-Wing” Communism: An Infantile Disorder.
The reality of their universities is that countless professors are extremely low-level foreigners, Koreans, and Chinese.
The more students thinking of working for the local government, the more they are influenced by them.
That is why the 5% of activists who control the All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union are supplied year after year.
They are the worst idiots in the history of Japan. 
They do not even realize what an anachronism they are, a betrayer of our country or a traitor, and an agent of the communist dictatorships of China and the Korean Peninsula.
The reality is that Okinawa is entirely under the control of China and the Korean Peninsula.
It is now apparent that Okinawa Prefecture is the home of their efforts to divide Japan, both in name and reality.
I dare say that Onaga’s group, which is not an exaggeration to say that it is good-for-nothing, is now ruling Okinawa because, unlike the other 46 prefectures in Japan, Okinawa is full of trivial predecessors. There were no respectable feudal lords.
Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the postwar world, tells us all about this situation.
Isn’t it because the ruling class of Okinawa Prefecture had no predecessors like the kings and yangban of the Korean Peninsula, who were consumed with self-interest and thought for the people and the country?
Infecting such people with pseudo-moralism and leftist pedophilia and manipulating them into doing what you want must be an easier task when there are no great predecessors.
I dare to tell the world that this is the reality of Okinawa.
The symbol of the effort to divide Japan, weaken Japan, and make Japan defenseless is the anti-base struggle, the attempt to separate Japan from the U.S. and strip Japan of its defenses.
The All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union is the foremost organization that dispatches personnel from the mainland for a daily fee to be part of these operations.
The All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union has a traditional Communist Party strategy.
It has the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) constantly sabotaging its employees.
In the terminology of the opposition parties, Asahi, NHK, etc., they make them cheat.
The election season is coming when the ruling party wants to stop expanding its power and reduce the number of its seats.
The All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union and its cohorts at Asahi, NHK, and the opposition politicians will publicize this sabotage, claiming that the Minister of Labor is responsible, that the government is responsible, and that the ruling party is responsible.

All Japanese people must be aware that Japan is a country where the “turntable of civilization” is turning.
We must realize that Japan and the United States must lead the world for the next 170 years.
This ridiculous farce must not be repeated.
It is a childish farce because leftist pedophiles do it.
I want to make this clear, especially to the people of my hometown in the Tohoku region.
I was surprised to see the news reports on the House of Councillors election the other day.
For example, I am talking about Yamagata Prefecture, the hometown of the late Mr. Shoichi Watabe, a true treasure of Japan and a great man who has left a great legacy for us.
I was surprised to read that the CDP and other opposition forces will defeat the ruling party in the Yamagata Prefecture election.
The CDP is a group of people who are either a betrayer of our country or a traitor, who is probably caught in the money traps and honey traps of China and the Korean peninsula, or who are under their manipulation as politicians, and who receive over 45 million yen a year in blood tax from the Japanese people.
People of Yamagata Prefecture.
As a native of Miyagi Prefecture, a neighboring prefecture, I do not believe you are fools at heart.
But as a typical low-information person who only reads articles from the Asahi Shimbun and Kyodo News, subscribes to the Yamagata Shimbun, which is under the influence of Kyodo News, and watches NHK and other TV stations, I do not believe that you are fools.
As a typical low-information voter, I believe that the people of Yamagata Prefecture are traitors if they are complicit in selling out Japan to China and the Korean Peninsula.
The people of Yamagata Prefecture will join the ranks of a betrayer of our country or a traitor.

Do you want to be a part of a force that continues to damage the reputation and credibility of Japan, the wonderful country that countless great people have nurtured for 2,600 years?
It seems that other prefectures are in a similar situation.
Aren’t you ashamed to be a Northeasterner for doing such a thing?
You should be subscribing to four monthly magazines and many other books that you should be reading.
I read them every day on your behalf, so listen to my voice, my eternally beloved Tohoku people.
This year is the year of the House of Councillors election.
What the so-called “constitutional protection forces” absolutely want to prevent is the revision of the Constitution.
Right now, the Abe administration holds two-thirds of the seats needed to amend the Constitution.
Reducing the number of seats in the ruling party and permanently burying the constitutional revision = working according to the will of China and the Korean Peninsula.
Do you want to be a part of such a treacherous act, Tohoku people?
The feudal lords of the past, whom you love, will be disgusted, saddened, crying, and angry at how you act.
This article continues.

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