Conclusion – Toppling the “Wooden Horse” and Rebuilding Japan with a Smile 

The following is from the last chapter of Abandoning nuclear power generation, a trap by the Chinese Communist Party, one of the best books of the 21st century.
The following final chapter is a must-read, especially for the Japanese people and people worldwide.

Conclusion – Toppling the “Wooden Horse” and Rebuilding Japan with a Smile  

In the Showa era (1926-1989), Jun, a science boy who watched Astro Boy and Godzilla on T.V. and raced carrier pigeons, somehow became a physicist investigating nuclear radiation disasters worldwide. “That’s how I found myself,” I think, living in Reiwa (now 2021).  
While worrying about my family, I conducted field research on the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, the hydrogen bombing of Bikini, the nuclear explosions in the former Soviet Union, the nuclear brutality of the Chinese on the Silk Road, the monitoring of underground nuclear tests in North Korea, and the accidents and disasters in the peaceful use of atomic energy in Siberia, Chernobyl, and Fukushima.
I worked with local scientists, with colleagues at Hiroshima University, and sometimes alone.  
My scientific life has been like operating a single-seater kayak, honestly following the flow of the times in which nuclear technology was born. There was always a sense of historical mission.  
In writing this book, too, I felt as if I were being pushed forward while China’s biohazard was blowing around the world.
It was December 18, 2020, when I reached an agreement with Heart Publications and started writing.
The publisher wanted the book to be available in bookstores in early March to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the Fukushima LWR accident.
My goal is to complete the manuscript by February 5. Today, as I write this, it is January 17.
I am very grateful for the blessings of God and Buddha, the understanding of the publishing company, and the heartfelt support of my wife. 
The heart of my writing lies in crushing the “Trojan Horse.
The “Japanese wooden horse” sent to Japan by the former Soviet Union, the Chinese Communist Party, and North Korea are shouting “No to the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty,” “Anti-nuclear,” “Nuclear power free,” “Zero radiation is better,” “Protect Article 9 of the Constitution,” “Self-Defense Forces are unconstitutional,” and “Overthrow the LDP government. 
In the meantime, these three communist dictatorships have completed or are in the process of completing their nuclear armament.
The shocking fact is that Japan’s power has been used for this nuclear armament.
The “anti-nuclear” movement of the “wooden horses” was a downright lie. 
The real risk lies in a communist dictatorship running amok. The Soviet Union, the CPC, and North Korea share the same materialism, a fearlessness that defies even God and Buddha. The struggle for power and control intensified and led to purges.
Communists have studied a little and feel like a great man, trying to defeat their opponents with “theory.” If that doesn’t work, they threaten violence.
Inevitably, the wily ones who tried to get their will through would neutralize the opposing forces. It is the horror of making oneself absolute. 
If there were respect for the existence of the Creator of heaven and earth and our ancestors, which is beyond human wisdom, there would be no such outbursts.
Human beings are eternally incomplete. Life and society are a relay race of sashes. We will never be complete as individuals. 
When I was a student, I studied Engels’ “Dialectic of Nature,” but I had no way of knowing about the dictatorship of fear. It was only after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Tiananmen Square massacre that I learned about it.
The film “Dr. Zhivago,” which follows the life of a doctor and depicts the power struggle, violence, and love that existed during the Soviet revolution, was an eye-opener for me. 
“Communism was an outright lie. 
“History has shown that it is “the supreme selfishness of the poor-minded powers that control the workers.
In other words, “communism” is a ridiculous risk that does not recognize the universal values of freedom, civil liberties, and respect for human rights.
The “Japanese wooden horse” cries of “human rights protection” were a camouflage. The “wooden horse” of “communism” values is to hide the risk of invasion of other countries. The “People’s Liberation Army” is the name of the invasion force. In reality, there was no “communism.
Stalin’s Great Purge, Mao’s Cultural Revolution, the unprecedented nuclear explosion on the Silk Road, the Tiananmen Square massacre, the collapse of the one-country-two-systems system in Hong Kong, the organ hunting and transplant business, the segregation and cleansing of ethnic minorities, and other horrible selfish realities were happening behind the Japanese people’s appreciation of pandas. 
The CPC’s military budget of 19 trillion yen in 2020 is 3.6 times larger than Japan’s 5.3 trillion yen. It is the second-largest in the world, behind the U.S.’s 73 trillion yen (2019).
Against the backdrop of the world’s second-largest military and economic power, the CCP empire, driven by the hegemony of the One Belt, One Road policy originating in Beijing, has become a threat not only to Asia but to the world.
It is the sword of Damocles, deploying more than 200 ballistic missiles carrying nuclear warheads. 
None of the people of Fukushima Prefecture died from the low dose radiation from the Fukushima light water reactor accident.
If CPC fires a one-megaton nuclear warhead at Tokyo, there is a massive risk that a single shot will kill 3.8 million people.
The “Japanese Trojan Horse Gang” that stokes fear with false rumors about the Fukushima low-dose accident that did not kill anyone does not pursue the cause of the Wuhan biohazard that infected and killed 1.79 million people worldwide in 2020 and covers up the massive risk of the CPC invading Japan’s territorial waters in the Senkakus and other population invasions. 
The direct attack on major developed countries by biohazard set up by the CPC, deployment of megaton class ballistic missiles = Sword of Damocles, global hegemony with advanced communication technology network, and “Trojan horse” released around the world. 
The 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, crushed the “Trojan Horse of his country” released by the CPC during his term.
However, Trump was unfortunately defeated in the 2020 presidential election.
It was also the result of the desperate maneuvering of the “American wooden horse. 
In 2021, the transition from the Republican to the Democratic Joe Biden administration will take place, but what will happen? The clash between the two political parties shows no signs of ending.
Will they prove the “crime of the century” committed in the computer information and communication network? It is a crime that should not have happened, but it is not impossible. 
The pro-Communist Democratic Party (DPJ) may increase the risk to the world.
I hope that the universal values of the Democratic Party of the United States are not fraught.
The Obama administration’s call for a “world without nuclear weapons” coincided with the rise of the Chinese Communist Party.
Moreover, the CCP’s oppression in Tibet, Uyghur, and Southern Mongolia has intensified, deceiving the world with its “war on terror. 
While the U.S. and Russia were promoting nuclear disarmament, the CPC was expanding its nuclear arsenal.
It was President Trump who halted the meaningless nuclear disarmament program between the U.S. and Russia. 
“The battle against Mokuba is the main battlefield of the Yin-Yang World War.
“The enemy is at home. The “wooden horses” of Japan are making a big deal of the “Hanami (cherry blossom viewing)” event held by the top administration as if they are the devil himself.
It was another stunt to divert the public’s attention.
The voice of the “citizens” mentioned by the Asahi Shimbun is not necessarily that of the “people. 
The people must overcome the false information warfare that the “anti-Japanese wooden horse” is waging.
It is a rebuttal from science and justice.
Constitutional reform, YES to a self-governing constitution! A self-governing Constitution is a natural right of a normal nation. 
It is not only military power that can protect Japan. The power of harmony based on patriotism and pride comes first. Japan’s history has shown us that. If we have this, the necessary national defense capability will naturally follow.
The world’s oldest and most advanced Japanese civilization began 16,000 years ago in the Jomon period and has been handed down from generation to generation.
In the 21st century, when the world’s population is about to explode, Japan, the country with the longest life expectancy globally, can overcome the declining birthrate by changing its way of thinking. 
No one has died or will die from the low dose radiation of the Fukushima accident in 2011.
Compared to the Soviet graphite reactors that ran out of control and collapsed at Chernobyl, the safety performance of Japan’s LWRs is much higher.
In the first place, LWRs are based on a principle that makes them difficult to run out of control. Moreover, Japan’s nuclear power plants have already been improved to have the world’s best earthquake and tsunami resistance technology.
Safety technology will continue to evolve in the future.
The foundation of Japanese society is supported by the development of nuclear fuel cycle technology. Japan already has sufficient uranium resources stored in the country.
The decision to decommission the fast breeder reactor technology Monju must be reversed.  Japan’s ver
It can realize Japan’s vitrified waste geological disposal technology safely.
Japan must not give up its nuclear energy. Moreover, the technology is nearing completion. 
Original technology has been Japan’s treasure since ancient times. 
This technology is always at the forefront and can make a significant contribution to the world.
It is the result of the diligence, improvement efforts, and harmonious spirit of every citizen.
Honesty and good nature are good points of the Japanese people, but the Trojan horse easily deceives them, so we should be careful. 
The vector of Japan is toward the development of civilization and world peace.
Let’s create a bright family and rebuild a nation of smiling faces.

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