It will destroy women’s sports and endanger the lives of women and girls. It is an absurd situation.

Kadota Ryusho @KadotaRyusho
In my speeches, I am often asked, “Why did Japan become like this?
I answer, “Because there used to be many people with insight into the leadership.
No matter how loud the activists screamed, the leadership refused to deal with allowing people to change their family registry without surgery, only by filing a tax return.
And the leadership had the insight to predict what would happen to society.

Kadota Ryusho@KadotaRyusho
Eriko Yamatani and others in the Liberal Democratic Party’s parliamentary caucus continue their fight to maintain the provision of the Gender Identity Disorder Special Law that requires “surgery” to change one’s gender.
The Supreme Court ruling that “women with male genitalia” who can change their family registry simply by filing a report will be allowed in Japan is imminent.
It will destroy women’s sports and endanger the lives of women and girls.
It is an absurd situation.

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