Please teach them from Docomo’s website for the sake of this column.

As previously mentioned, until the offender was released from prison, the access analysis graph of this column was a bandwidth chart.
It was not surprising since this column had not only been published almost every day since its appearance in July 2010 but also in 100 different languages at the time of its largest edition.
Because of the time difference, this column was read in sequence worldwide.
We are sure that some of our readers worldwide will be able to identify the criminal means by which this technique is used.
Please teach them from Docomo’s website for the sake of this column.
As our readers in Japan can see, the criminal who continues to perpetrate such viciousness is one man.
When you have been a professor to Docomo, please send me an e-mail to the following address.

It seems that this offender does not merely commit the crime of search obstruction against this column.
From time to time, strange blogs appear on this site. They “like” this column. Or appear in the column of members who have visited within 6 hours.
It’s an information-for-sale scam, a blog that claims to have “the secret to getting more searches…” and so on.
The search analysis graph in this column is attached to a blog that does not write much about anything, which would not be able to show such a search count and search analysis graph,
They are soliciting by writing, “Look, this is all I wrote, but the search results are as shown here.
As described above, this criminal’s specialty is identity theft.
He is also good at creating countless IDs on each blog site.
In 2012, when I filed a complaint against him alone, he confessed that he did everything during a criminal interrogation.
At that time, the number of IDs he had created for each company’s blog site exceeded several hundred.
Please notify Docomo of the method of retrieving the search analysis graph in this column and sticking it to the information for sale scam blog.
Please do so.

I failed to save the evidence this year when it reverted to something close to the form of this column for two weeks around GW.
I was caught off guard when it was entirely back to normal.
Below is photographic evidence of when I went back for a week in early August and when I went back over 8/28-29.

Below is the access analysis graph on 8/29, when it was closer to its original form for about a day.

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