The Nanking Massacre was also a severe fabrication that the Asahi Shimbun spread to the world with the collaboration of China.

In particular, the fabricated extensive features of the military comfort women report are leading South Korea to become an even more evil country (a country of abysmal evil and Plausible lies).
As mentioned, I noticed and said that the Asahi Shimbun people are, metaphorically speaking (although few of my classmates are), those who were in the middle to lower half of the 440 people in my class.
I was also the first in the world to point out that they were not the true elite representing Japan.
What they should do now, no matter what it takes, is to run full-page, full-column explanatory advertisements in the world’s leading newspapers to let the world know that the military comfort women are a fabrication spread by the Asahi Shimbun’s misinformation,
The Nanking Massacre is another example of their efforts.
The Nanking Massacre was also a severe fabrication that the Asahi Shimbun spread to the world with the collaboration of China.
The report was written by Katsuichi Honda, who had the gushing title of “big name reporter” among them and wrote “Journey in China,” which became a massive bestseller in Japan and spread worldwide.
He confessed that he had written everything, starting with the Nanking Massacre, according to documents handed to him by the Chinese Communist Party.
In other words, it was a fabricated report that repeatedly featured the CCP’s propaganda.
I have been saying that the Asahi Shimbun must take out a full-page ad in the world’s leading newspapers to explain this.
Only by doing so, I continue to say, can the world be set right and the turntable of civilization be turned again.
I cannot even begin to describe the brazenness and incompetence of the editorialists of the Asahi Shimbun, who continue to lecture the nation and the Japanese people without doing any of the above.
What is truly wrong with them is that they cannot even see the simple fact that what needs to be corrected in the world today is to right the wrongs of South Korea, which is continuing the anti-Japanese education, or Nazism, initiated by Syngman Rhee.
And the evil that the one-party dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party continues to create.
It is beyond description how such a brain structure was created.
However, it is clear that Hotsumi Ozaki was one of Asahi Shimbun’s leading China experts.
The Asahi Shimbun is probably still filled with Hotsumi Ozaki-like brains.
That is, essentially communist, although Hidemi Ozaki was an actual Soviet spy.
The current editorialists of the Asahi Shimbun are even worse in that they are pseudo-moralists and pseudo-communists or pseudo-socialists.
The fabricated feature on the military comfort women, in particular, has led South Korea into an even more evil country  (a country of abysmal evil and Plausible lies).
In other words, I am convinced that it is evil.
In fact, the so-called cultural figures sympathetic to Asahi are even more vicious than the Asahi Shimbun.
They just don’t know it.

Like a comedy behind a tragedy, they believe themselves to be on the side of justice or the guardian deity of democracy. 

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